Monday, January 25, 2010

Travis is Healthy and Safe

Ah, health and safety! Two American obsessions that paralyze us. It seems like half of every magazine is dedicated to our greatest fears...

Two weeks ago, millions of people thought they were safe. We think we're safe, too. If we don't take any risks...

After enjoying a week in Haiti of perfect health and safety, our team returned, went out to breakfast in Miami, and headed for home.

Travis apparently had eaten a bad egg sandwich, because we had to stop the car on our way home from the airport so he could vomit. It was good to be back in the States where we could enjoy such health.

After Travis spoke with Kate at their youth group last night, he drove some kids home who didn't have rides. The roads were icy and dangerous. Soon they came across an overturned vehicle where they helped a man's wife get out of the wrecked vehicle. Travis took the couple home, dropped his friends off and was on his way back to our house when he, too, slid off the road, losing a headlight, his grill, and front bumper.

Yes, it is good to be back in America, where it is safe.

Our family has enjoyed some pretty good laughs over these ironies!

Let's face it, we must live our lives without fear, trusting in God to keep our lives, or take them. Trust Him...and be set free to serve.

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