Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The men who are passing out food in our area are highly respected Christians in the Carrefour area, so robbers are leaving them completely alone (either that or the whole robber thing is overly trumped up)!!! They are even able to cook some meals and pass them out.

The truckload of rice and sugar will be arriving at any moment and a male RN/ex-special forces medic and a scout for potential philanthropic activity are arriving soon with another load of medical supplies and water purification stuff. Have I mentioned that God is good?


  1. WOW!! Thanks be to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Lisa,
    I just read all your posts. Thank you for your continuous updates, especially when I'm sure there's a million things you have to do. Continued prayers for the situation in Haiti, and specifically for your crew. What amazing, incredible kids you and Bryan have raised! You have much to be proud of.
    Ashley (Weed) Singleton

  3. no way!!! ash! hey, you helped raise them, you know! thanks for praying.
