Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jon Takes Some Heat

People are telling our pilot, Jon, that he shouldn't be wasting his time with such a small operation as ours, which has been bringing support to Carrefour, an area of Port-au-Prince still untouched by outside aid.

They told him that people's money would be better spent on larger organizations, like the Red Cross (which is currently sitting on tons of supplies at the airport, by the way).

This was very discouraging to him.

Please comment here to encourage him. He has been like an angel to us. An angel with slightly dirty and very human wings.


  1. Don't listen to them Jon, you are doing the best you can and it has been soo obvious through reading these posts that you are exactly where God wants you to be. That pisses me off that people only think big organizations are the ones that "really" help. We think it's beyond awesome, what you and the Bartows and everyone else involved with this is doing. stay strong in the Lord!

  2. Jon, this is directly from Lloyd Smoker. It was because of you that everything in carrefour has happened and is happening. All those lives that have been saved, all that money that went in to feed thousands of all started with one willing pilot who gave time. TIME What a gift. Thanks Jon from all the Haitifamily.

  3. There is no question in my mind that Jon is doing exactly what God has prepared his life for at this time!!! And he as given so many people in Haiti the chance for aid, who otherwise would still be lacking. I don't even know him and I'm so proud of him! :) GO JON!! Thanks for giving of your time & energy & resources for these people! ---Devon

  4. The very large army of Israelites watched, paralyzed with fear, while a very small boy with a sling and some stones brought down a giant. David was focused on God's victory and not the red tape or protocol of a big organization. He claimed victory in God. Stay true to God's work, Jon. You have been victorious already. What an inspiration you and the Bartows are!!!!!!!!

  5. Jon
    I have such respect and love for your servants heart. My children pray specifically for you. You have done so much and we are so grateful. Our money was not wasted and we will be sending more. We believe in what you are doing.

  6. For those of you who haven't followed this blog from the beginning, Lloyd Smoker, above, is the founder of the ministry in Carrefour that we have been able to help with outside support. Thanks, means the most coming from you, your family, and the Haitian people.

  7. Keep up the great work, Jon! No effort is too small when it comes to helping to save lives. Keep going!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love that Jesus talks specifically about leaving the masses to seek out and find the ONE that is lost. You all have touched thousands of lives.... but even if ALL of your efforts were just for ONE, it would all be worth it. THIS is the heart of God for His people.... those whom He loves. I cannot begin to sum up how much this blog has impacted me.... Your works are bringing HIM glory! May God help you to continue to persevere and press on! Bless you!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Lisa.... I removed it after I reread it! Just wanted to tweak it a little bit!!! :) I DID repost!!! :) Bless you, girl! I found this blog through our friends, Brandon and Angie Schmitt from Warsaw. I knew your sis and brother-in-law when my hubby was on staff at WCC, too.

  12. Jon…….The New Testament does not mention organizations like the Red Cross, the military or the multitude, but it does record the story of individuals - like the woman with the issue of blood who had faith to touch the hem of Jesus' garment believing she would be made whole, or the centurion who believed that his servant would be made whole at Jesus word. INDIVIDUALS! Eternity will tell the stories of lives changed. Lives changed because of your faith to keep flying that small plane back and forth to people in need. Lives changed because of individuals who followed their heart and met a need. Thank you so much for your obedience. Galen

  13. Thanks everyone! Thank you so much. It has been an honor to be involved with the Bartows, Smokers, and Silveus'. It is so exciting to be a part of something so special. I hope that I don't burn out too fast (got 3 hours of sleep last night, and I'm off to make another trip with supplies to PAP). Keep praying for me. :)

  14. I have been working with Jon down here in Fort Lauderdale. I have seen him come back and forth from Haiti. He IS tired, but he is giving everything to help out in his way. He is a huge part of this web of people that have sent so much help to Haiti. It has been a priviledge to see his dedication to answer God's calling to serve Haiti. It saddens me to hear some of the criticism, but if one is doing the work of God, no one's opinions matters. We are only vessels that the Lord uses and we can boast in nothing else but Him. I pray that through His servants(like Jon) in Haiti, Christ is seen above all else.
